This are art pieces created previously with lots of love. They were perfect gifts, all sold or giveaways.

Thank you very much for your kind visit. I am wishing you and your families and friends all the very best.
Love and peace - always! Monika
Black and WhiteBlack and WhiteApache TearsApache Tears - DetailApache Tears / Set in the GardenBlack and White...When The Light Goes On ......When the Light goes on......When The Light Goes On ...Snow QueenSnow Queen Snow QueenSnow QueenMy Best FriendMy Best Friend / DetailHoliday Candle Dance Holiday Candle DanceDream in Green and BlueDream in Green and BlueSunshine StarThree ObjectsThe moon sleeps...The moon sleeps ...The Moon Sleeps...The Moon tea/chocolate/coffee set for twoLove Holiday SetFeeling Blue ??Feeling Blue ??The Fun OneThe Fun OneFrenzied HensFrenzied HensBlack-Red-GoldWaiting for the Spring and Summer again ...Erde und MondErde und Mond